
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Due To Popular Demand....

Sorry, I have been very busy. This Thursday (April 27) we are having Jeff Galloway at the store for a meet and greet. Jeff is one of the running legends having been in the Olympics and being responsible for millions getting through a marathon. His "Book on Running" is one of (if not the) best selling book about running. He started the run/walk program that so many use to finish marathons. I have been giving a lot of off site clinics (did two today!).

I just got over a serious bout of bronchitis. They thought it was pnemonia! The doctor was a little surprised I had ran that morning (six miles, actually felt great during the run). So I am just getting to run again.

About shoes: Saucony is coming out with a new Stabil MC for fall. Felt really good. I'll give more details later (i think that's called a teaser!).

Until then I will leave you with my favorite piece of advice: "Think like a fish, no matter how weird it gets"!


At 12:35 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

Yet another reason why I wished I lived closer to your store—I would love to meet Jeff Galloway. I hope it was a great visit. I can’t wait for another post with more details. (I’m glad you’re feeling better, take care)


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