
Monday, October 02, 2006

Who can it be now...

For those of you who have been wondering "what happened?" (ok both of you, Hi Mom).
I have had some big changes the last couple of months.

First, I am no longer working at the Runners' Feet. I left at the end of April. Why, you ask? I now have 2 kids and wanted to get them out of the insanity that is the Bay Area. So we loaded up the truck and moved to Kennewick, Washington. It is in eastern WA and has been a great change. The entire "metropolitan" area is about 150,000. I did a brief post about the area a while ago. I don't want to tell you more (at this time) because I don't want a bunch of Californians moving here and ruining it!!! :)

Second, my intention was to open a shop here (there were none). Three weeks after moving here a shop opened! It is the second store by a guy who owns a very well known shop in Spokane. I am not sure this area can support two shops (or even one!). I went in and introduced myself to the manager. His name is Scott also. I told I would see how his shop does. If it does well I will open up (ha,ha). He laughed uncomfortably.

So what am I doing now?

Gotta go, but I will be back consistently. I can share more now that I am out of the "biz". I had to hold my tongue because a lot of my former reps read this.
Take it easy!


At 5:25 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

It sounds like you made a good decision to move. ~ Thanks for saying hi on my blog. I am not running anymore, but I hope to get back at it soon (after the knee heals). I have a dr. appt. in two weeks. My fingers are crossed!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Scott said...

What kind of pain are you having? Where is it in the knee? Even if it feels better you need to address the "why?". Do you keep a training log? If so go back and see if there was any mention of the slightest pain and check out what you were doing around that time. Even non running events! I have found "clubbing" to be a big cause of knee problems (I do not mean the Tanya Harding/Nancy Kerigan kind:). Let me know and I will try and help with my semi retired knowledge! Take care.

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Matias said...

I say hi to your Mom, also.

And there's only two things I ever heard of that come outa Kennewick...

...and you don't look like no steer, boy.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

Hi Scott. I can’t blog at work because the website is blocked, so I have not been able to keep up with reading. Thanks for your offer to help.
Yes, I keep a training log but I did not notice anything unusual during the time when my knee started hurting. I was in the middle of marathon training
(marathon number 3) using the same training program I used in the past. My first initial knee problem happened while I was on a trail. I iced it and rested for 2 days and went on to do my 16 miller on the roads. During the 16 miller (which I had incorporated a 5 mile race at the very end) my knee hurt so bad, I finished the race crying/hobbling to my car. Since then (mid August) I have only run about 5 times (with knee pain). If I wear my high heels to work or if I do a lot of working my knee continues to ache too. It’s not a sharp pain, just a dull ache. (And no...I have not been clubbing recently–either kind) :) Anyway...I went my dr. yesterday (with hopes of a physical therapy referral) and she thought the pain might be from lyme disease. (Are you thinking what I’m thinking? She is obviously not a runner.) I am nearly positive it is not lyme disease, but I cant’t argue with a dr. So, I am on antibiotics right now and I went for a blood test tonight. I have a follow-up appointment next week. I’ll let you know how it goes and hope for the best. I hope all is going well for you and your family. Take care.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

*walking NOT working
opps :)

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Well it does not sound like the IT Band. That is usually a sharp pain on the outside of the knee. It definitely sounds like an overuse problem (hint #1: do not run 16 miles with a 5 mile race at the end after your knee starts to hurt!). While it MAY be Lyme disease (you could have been bitten by a tick on the trail run) you could have tweeked it due to the uneven surface of the trails (yes even the flat ones). Here is my opinion (remember I am not a doctor, but I did play one on TV), do some GENTLE quad and hamstring stretches. MOST importantly, do quad strenthening exercises. If you have access to a gym do leg extensions. Make sure you use a weight that you can do 15 reps with. Do 3 sets. Try this 2-3 times a week. If you can (without pain) try some light squats. You can do these at home. Start with no weight and do 15-20 reps. Do not go past 90 degrees with the knee joint. If after 2 weeks everything feels fine try holding something around 3-5 pounds in each hand (at the gym use a light curling bar with no weight, on your shoulders).
Many times knee problems come from a muscle imbalance between the inner and outer quad. Women are especially prone to this because of the angle of your thighs (your "Q Angle" is more severe than a man's because of relatively wider hips for child birth). I have not seen you run but if you know you have that "knock kneed" style of running (many women, even fast one's, do), you will be more likely to have knee problems.
WOW this must be the longest post ever! I have not covered it all and there is a lot of information (some of it true!) on the internet. Hopefully you can get in to see a therapist so you do not have to go to a therapist! I hope some of the ideas help. Take care.

At 4:40 PM, Blogger April Anne said...

Hi Scott. Thanks for the tips. I really appreciate your thoughts and advice. As for my crazy dr....the lyme disease test came back negative, so she suggested that I might have arthritis (once again--are you thinking what I'm thinking?!? She is obviously not a runner!) :) She wanted to prescribe a few meds., but I knew that was not the solution for me. Instead, I looked into non-referral therapy and I found one in town. I had my first visit on Saturday. I'm not really sure what type of therapy it is. It seems like a mix. I heard three great 'reviews', one from a friend with back pain, one from a co-worker with jaw pain and one from the lady I worked for in high school. Her 3 year old daughter goes there for speech therapy. It seems very new-age and alternative (which is a little scary at first, but if it works I won't complain--as long as they aren't calling on 'healing spirits' or something really crazy). Instead of working on my knee, the lady I saw worked on my foot for an hour. She explained what she was doing, but I didn't really understand. I haven't noticed an improvement, but she said it would take about 7 visits and I should be able to run by Thanksgiving. Time will tell. How are things going for you? Are you ready post again? :)

At 11:16 AM, Blogger April Anne said...

My knee is getting better! My therapist said I could start a jog/walk 'program'---if I promise to go slow and for very short distances. It's a step in the right direction. :) I guess all that wacky 'energy flow' and 'mineral oil' therapy is actually paying off. Enjoy the weekend.


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